Are You Living Within Your Means?

“I can’t afford this but I really want it!” How many of us have this conversation with ourselves far too often? We live in a culture of hyper-spending and minimal saving. (And don’t forget about the Jones’ we try to keep up with) America has a negative savings rate, meaning we spend more money than we earn and use debt to fund our lifestyles. In essence, we live at the mercy of our credit cards...
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5 Ways to Fake It ‘Til You Make It


We often recite the phrase “fake it ‘til you make it” as a justification for our spending habits. Most people “fake it” in the wrong manner. Instead of adopting the good practices of wealthy individuals, we tend to mimic the consumption practices of the wealthy and incur debt in the process of trying to “look the part”. But here are five ways you can "act" wealthy and get on the path to financial freedom...
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Upgrade Your Cool: 5 Personal Finance Apps to Kick-Off Your New Year!

As I navigate the world day-to-day, I often wonder how prior generations made it through life without smart phones and the almighty world of amazing apps!  Apps (software programs you can download onto your average smart phone either for free or for a nominal fee) have recently become such an integral part of what it means to be more efficient, socially-adept, and even consumer-savvy...

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The 10 Commandments of Financial Empowerment

If you are like most people, you have already comprised your resolutions (read:that list of things you say-you’re-going-to-do-but-never-actually-get-around-to) for the new year. My guess is getting your finances in order was on your list last year, and somehow it has found its way on this year’s list. Well not to worry, I’m here to help. This post is designed to help you get on track and stay on track with your financial resolutions and get your finances in order once and for all...
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Is College Still An Option? Yes!: Here's How To Pay For It


When I was applying to college no one sat me down to let me know that after college and grad school I would have to pay back all the “free money” even if I didn’t have a job. I filled out all the forms put in front of me and signed my name and initialed all the right places without knowing what I was getting myself into. I wish someone would have told me how these loans would affect me for years to come...
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