Hi Dreamers,
As you know, last week on 4/25/12, we had our first annual National Financial Literacy Month celebration, "$aving Is the Motto". The night was filled with good music, food, drinks, raffle items, silent auctions, and give-aways. Silent auction items included a massage package provided by
Dasha Wellness, basket of luxury female beauty products provided by
thechampagnebeauty.com, and Burton ski set provided by
Amp Energy (a Pepsi product). We would like to thank all of our gracious donors for providing us with outstanding raffle and silent auction items. We also want to thank all those who donated to the organization as well participated in the auctions and raffle competitions. And of course we can't forget to thank our hosting venue for the event,
Traffic Bar & Girll! (To all of our foodies out there, they have the
best buffalo wings. Stop in and try some.) We are very grateful for all of your continued support.

A big "thank you" goes out to all persons who were able to attend the event, you truly made the night special. It was great to see our friends, both old and new. We hope you learned a little bit more about what we do, made some good contacts, and enjoyed the D.R.E.A.M cocktail!
For those of you who missed the event (shame on you, by the way), we truly missed your presence and hope you will be able to join us at future events. (A full recap of the event will be available in our upcoming Spring Newsletter, to be released soon) To view all of the pictures from the event, check out our Facebook album
here. And if you haven't done so already, take this time to "like" our Facebook page!
(From left to right) Gregory Lee, Zalika Headley, Jaleni Thompson (Co-Founder), and Calvin Saunders (Chief Compliance Officer)
Sadly, today is the final day of National Financial Literacy Month 2012. (I'm fighting back the tears) We hope you have enjoyed this month as much as we have. The goal of this month was to learn more about your personal finances and to begin (or continue) putting that knowledge to good use. It is our hope that you have accomplished that goal. Just because NFLM is over doesn't mean the fun and learning stops now! Please continue reading our blog for insightful information on how to better manage your personal finances in addition to updates about our upcoming events. Also look out for part two of our new series,
Spring Cleaning Your Personal Finances. Continue dreaming!
About the Author: Femi Faoye is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of D.R.E.A.M. He’s a staunch and passionate financial literacy education advocate.
Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the views expressed in this post reflect those of the author and are solely theirs and do not reflect the views of Developing Responsible Economically Advanced Model-Citizens, Incorporated or any affiliates. Opinions are based upon information the author deems reliable but Developing Responsible Economically Advanced Model-Citizens, Incorporated does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and should not be relied upon as such. Neither the author nor Developing Responsible Economically Advanced Model-Citizens, Incorporated guarantees any specific outcome or profit from recommendations presented and you should be aware that losses may occur following any strategy or investment discussed. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on information in this post you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser.
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