Scholar Talk: Rayvon Dorsett
/Pictured: (left to right) Jaleni Thompson - Co-Founder, Sylvester Rembert - Advisory Board Member, Rayvon Dorsett - Invest-in-Success Scholar, Femi Faoye - Co-Founder
Welcome to another installment of our "$cholar Talk" series. This segment features posts written by Scholars of our "Invest-in-Success" program! It provides a platform for our students to share their experiences, discuss financial topics relevant to teenagers, and provides you a chance to connect with them.
Without further adieu, please welcome our scholar-blogger Rayvon Dorsett, Invest-in-Success Class of 2014.
As the proud recipient of the 2014 Success Mentor Scholarship and graduating scholar of the inaugural class of the Invest-in-Success program, I want to express what the Invest-in-Success program and D.R.E.A.M. has meant to me. The Invest-in-Success program has been one of the most beneficial extracurricular activities that I had the opportunity to participate in during high school.
The “Invest-in-Success” program would ultimately play a crucial role in my success as a high school student, although that wasn’t very apparent at the time I was admitted into the program. The program taught me about topics related to finance, ranging from personal savings to the stock market. However, the program has made me a better student by developing my public speaking skills through annual competitions, developing my leadership skills and ability to work on a team, and exposing me to guest speakers who have inspired me. My mentor, Charles Mitchell, in addition to the other mentors of the program pushed me to excel in all aspects of my life and I have had the opportunity to share these lessons with my friends, helping others to excel as well
My predilection for numbers and formulas point me to a career in finance. The Invest-in-Success program has provided the knowledge essential to my career goals and helped to kindle my interest in this career path. I plan on majoring in accounting and upon graduation, work towards getting my CPA and then go on to pursue a career at one of the “Big Four” accounting firms.
In closing, I would like to thank D.R.E.A.M. for providing me with an unparrelled financial education that I know many youth never receive but desperately need. As I depart for Boston University this fall and begin the next phase of my life, I will never forget getting up on those early Saturday mornings after a long week of school for our monthly Finance Academy sessions. I will never forget the comradery that was established amongst me and my fellow scholars. I will never forget the words of wisdom that Jaleni and Femi imparted upon us, not just about finances, but about life. But most importantly I will never forget, “to whom much is given, much is expected”.
Pictured: Rayvon Dorsett - Class of 2014, Invest-in-Success Scholar
About the Author: Rayvon Dorsett is a member of the Invest-in-Success Class of 2014. He is a graduate of All Hallows High School in the Bronx, NY. He will be attending Boston University starting in the fall of 2014.
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